The Other End

Dad: Hello


Dad: I saw some new cleats at the store,what size is Madi?

Mom: 7, I’d be a great Christmas gift


Mom:No one


Mom: Madi’s in the room,she’s asking who I’m talking to

Dad: Oh, well I’m at checkout so I’ll see you at home,bye



How do Video Games effect children?

Video Games have been all the rage, especially in this generation. From a wide range of 8-50 year olds, a robust amount of people have been gaming from all over the world. Whether it’s Call of Duty, Gta, Minecraft, or maybe an addictive game on a mobile device. Bunchman and Funk said that “Violent games became consistently popular across grades for both boys and girls.”(quoted words)A lot of people play video games but what about its effects on children?

When a child arrives at home from school, they’d probably get a snack, catch up on homework, maybe go outside with some friends. Well, instead they might hit the computer, and try to get that new high score.The average 8-12-year-olds play 13 hours of video games a week,(numbers and stats) that’s about 52 hours a month. That would be very bad for a child but can it also be good?

The mainstream view of gaming has become less curmudgeonly in recent years and you know longer think of video games as a horrible evil demon trying to corrupt kids.(word gaps) Studies show that video games can help kids.One way is it improves problem solving and pattern recognition. Which helps with math and geometry. Also it allows the ability to think about your own thinking(contrast and contradiction). A second way is following directions. In order to progress in games, the player needs to learn the guidelines, rules, restrictions and components in them. The final way it can help or effect a child is stimulating social activity. The gaming world is very popular. In fact, 60% frequent gamers play with friends, 33% play with siblings and, 25% with a spouse or a parent. Many games require frequent interactions with teammates.

The opinions of most say that video games are bad for children. It’s probably true, but here are some bad or negative effects. The first one is that it can lead to obesity. By kids spending their time on games and computer time they aren’t going out and getting physically fit and healthy. Kids get the lazy mind set and would rather not go and play outside. Next, it can mess with a child’s health.Students who have played violent virtual reality games,studies say, have higher heart rates and have more dizziness and nausea(Extreme or Absolute Language). Lastly, it can interfere with a child’s behavior(mostly those who play violent games). It exhibited more aggressive thoughts, although might not increase (due to studies).

In conclusion, video games can have bad and good effects when played by children. As time passes gaming will probably become more involved in a child’s day.

“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”

This quote means that a picture of something can explain so much or express so much feeling. It could be a memory or a picture with someone that you love. Memories are keep in pictures, like childhood, pictures of you walking, eating, laughing and all of those silly ones. I think that pictures are very important because they make you remember the good times.In conclusion, the quote means that pictures can mean so much and say a lot.